Having a dog allergy is not unheard of, in fact, it is quite common in the USA. Approximately 10% of the US population is allergic to dogs. This makes hypoallergenic dogs very popular around the world.
Are poodles hypoallergenic? Yes, Poodles are the closest to hypoallergenic. They have a non-shedding coat and are great for folks allergic to dogs.
An interesting fact, people are not allergic to dogs but rather to the dander the dog produces and hypoallergenic dogs shed a minimum. Thus making them best for folks who are allergic.
Every material produced from a dog has the ability to initiate an allergic response in humans.
What Makes a Poodle Hypoallergenic?
It would be a lie to say the Poodle is completely hypoallergenic!
But the Poodles indeed are the closest to hypoallergenic, a character not many other dog breeds possess. So, what gives the Poodle this golden trait?
Mutated DNA
Poodles have a mutation that considerably limits the proteins that cause allergies in humans. The Poodle has the least proteins (allergens) that cause allergies. This characteristic helps in the thick and curly hair it wears on its coat.
Cross-Breeding With Hypoallergenic Breeds
Another factor that makes Poodles hypoallergenic is the several Poodle Mixes circulating in the market.
When you cross two hypoallergenic dogs, the offspring will have higher chances of being more hypoallergenic than their parents.
Examples of hypoallergenic Poodle mixes are:
- Labradoodle
- Goldendoodle
- Cavadoodle
- Ponchon (Poodle Bichon Frise mix)
Generally, someone who has not been associated with a dog from a young age is more likely to develop dog allergies.
Getting your young children to mix with dogs early on can help to create normal dog allergen-antibody complexes. Thereby reducing the risk of allergies after becoming an adult.
Poodles Don’t Shed Much
Poodles have a single coat that doesn’t shed much as typically double coat dogs shed more than single coat ones. They have long hairs and hence their hair grows instead of shedding. This makes it easy to trim them.
Poodles are known to be very minimal shedders. Finding hair around the house of a Poodle sheltering house is unheard of. That’s how little these dogs shed.
Less shedding means less emittance of dander.
Another perk of less shedding is less cleaning up and less grooming! With less grooming comes less dander and hair allergens. Making the Poodle or Poodle mix a perfect pet for anyone.
Less Dander
Contrary to popular perception, allergy is not due to dog hairs but in most cases, it is due to Dander.
Dry skin that comes off the body of an animal is known as dander. When this is inhaled, it can initiate allergy issues. People with respiratory diseases are most vulnerable to dander.
The fact that the skin on Poodles remains quite healthy and lubricated means they are less likely to scratch themselves.
During scratching of body parts, dander is released into the air or onto carpets. This dander then circulates with air current and can cause health issues.
Poodles produce almost no dander as compared to other dogs and hence they are safe for people allergic to dogs.
Less drooling
Poodles are not notorious for licking people uncontrollably. They also do not drool at all like most larger dogs! This eliminates several potential risks of transferring allergens to people. Chances of their saliva being in touch with you are again very limited.
Ease of trainability also makes this stunning dog a great pet, even for allergy-prone individuals.
Poodles are Intelligent
Poodles are very intelligent and can be easily trained. Thus, they commonly win dog shows and intelligence competitions.
You can easily train them to pee and defecate in a designated area and make dog-free zones. You can as well train your Poodle not to lick people.
While they are hypoallergenic, it is still best to take good care of them with good nutrition, regular walks, grooming so that his coat is healthy and magnificent.
And if you are looking for dogs that do not shed, check out 30 Dogs That Don’t Shed.
Grooming Your Poodle’s Coat to Avoid Allergies
Grooming helps to get rid of hair and dander before it has a chance to circulate inside your house. For families that have dogs other than Poodles, grooming is a life-saving activity.
For a number of people with dog allergies, dander initiates an allergic reaction. Mostly, it is not playing with a dog that starts it. It is the environment and unhygienic practices that cause it to start.
For dogs such as the Poodle, grooming at a professional dog salon is the best option. Doing it at home will require lots of time and the right tools!
Some tools you will need to groom a Poodle include:
- Scissors
- Clippers
- Slicker brush
- Pin brush
A Poodle is due for a grooming session every 3 to 6 weeks. This includes a full grooming experience consisting of:
- Nail clipping
- Bathing
- Perhaps a hair trim
Generally, grooming and bathing can reduce the number of allergens present on your Poodle. Therefore reducing chances of starting allergies in an individual.
How to Reduce Chances of Allergic Reaction to Dogs
Dog allergies are a sad reality and can sometimes even affect dog lovers. People are constantly looking for a way to reduce allergy chances, even with a dog in the house. Although this sounds impossible, everything is possible.
Here are a few tips to reduce allergic reactions to dogs at home.
Wash Hands After Contact With Dogs
Dogs carry allergens all over their body. A simple play session can transfer these allergens from their body to your hands easily.
This makes it crucial to wash hands after touching a dog and after he has licked your hands. Make sure you use a sanitizer or disinfectant soap to eliminate bacteria.
But, if you love your dog you will know this is near impossible. Throughout the day you will probably engage with your dog countless times. So, what’s the next best option?
The only solution now is to be mindful!
So after playing with a dog, at all costs try to avoid touching your mouth and eyes. These are the areas that allergens can affect instantly. Also, there is the chance the allergens might also enter the body and cause more severe issues.
Avoid Carpets
Carpets act as a dander and hair magnet. This in combination with dust creates a deadly mixture for allergy-prone individuals.
If your dog spends most of his time on the carpet, expect carpets to cause allergic reactions. You should avoid letting your dog sit on carpets. But, what if you have a stubborn dog that insists on sleeping on the carpet?
In this case, a good decision is to reduce carpeted areas in the house. Rather have tiled floors to reduce dander collection and make cleaning easier. In addition to carpets, curtains are another furnishing that needs to be washed regularly or removed.
Vacuum Regularly
A vacuum cleaner is a must-have tool for people with dogs and carpets!
Fabrics can easily collect unwanted dog hair and dander which becomes problematic at some point. For people who have lots of carpets, curtains, and furniture furnishings, a vacuum is an answer to all problems!
The high suction power of vacuum cleaners sucks up hair, dander, and dust. This eliminates allergies that may even be dust-related. Allergic reactions are caused by particles floating in the air that usually settle on carpets and other fabric items.
During vacuum cleaning, particles are thrown from the floor into the air. This makes it very important to wear a mask to avoid allergies during cleaning.
Grooming is Essential
Grooming is an important activity that cannot be avoided. Besides keeping your dog clean and healthy, it also helps avoid shedding. A dog that sheds less is less likely to cause allergic reactions.
Grooming removes loose hair and dander from the coat. Meaning they will not end up around the house and will not risk anyone’s health. Grooming can also help circulate skin oils, limiting the amount of dander produced.
Even though grooming might be done at a professional salon, brushing can be done at home. Also, make sure it is done exclusively outdoors. This is to make sure that none of these allergens get back indoors!
Need some good tips that can help you to reduce the shedding of your dogs? Reduce the amount of dog shedding with these Dog Shedding Remedies.
Restrict Access to Rooms
If you or someone in the house has dog allergies, your dog shouldn’t be allowed everywhere! For one, the bedroom should be out of bounds. When you go to sleep, the last thing you need is to inhale dog dander or hair.
Allergic reactions can commonly happen at night if there is no air circulation and allergens everywhere.
This is when restricting access to your room helps prevent such incidents. In case your dog does get on your bed, change the linen and create a clean environment.
Ventilation is Crucial!
Having some fresh air constantly flowing into your house does help. It helps to remove allergens when the air flows back outside again. Using an air filter to filter the air in the house is a good option for people who don’t get decent air currents.
Indoor HEPA filters are also a nice addition if you have other dogs that shed a lot. Air filters such as this help to limit the amount of cleaning up every day. They help to limit or reduce health conditions related to dog, cat, or bird allergies.

Symptoms of Dog Allergies
Some dog allergies are so mild you may not suspect it to be a dog allergy! Others are so severe they could be life-threatening. Either way, it is important to find out if you are allergic to dogs.
When people say they are allergic to dogs, it does not mean the dog itself. People are allergic to certain proteins the dog produces.
They can be found in the dander, urine, saliva, and feces of a dog. The most common protein causing dog allergies is the Can f1 protein that is found in all dogs.
But how do you know if you are allergic to dogs? Well some people know from previous encounters, many are unaware of their allergies. These are some common symptoms of dog allergies:
- Swollen, red, and watery eyes
- Nasal congestion
- Sneezing
- Hives
- Rashes (red and itchy skin)
- Coughing
- Wheezing
- Difficulty breathing
Suffering from any of these symptoms after playing with a dog should be a sign.
What Causes Dog Allergies?
While we have established that dog-produced fluids and materials can cause allergies.
What is so special about them? Most of these products have the Can f1 protein. The presence of this protein can influence allergies in people.
How to Find Out if You Are Allergic to Dogs?
Knowing you have an allergy might be somewhat easy to identify. But, pinpointing the cause can take some time. For someone who has a compromised immune system, you should remain aware and careful around dogs and all animals in that manner!
Otherwise unsuspecting people can observe themselves after playing with a dog. If symptoms start to appear you should investigate the real cause.
It is possible to know the outcome immediately after the interaction. But, some people may need to consult a doctor.
Doctors can detect a dog allergy by conducting blood and skin tests for the Can f1 protein. These quantitative results will help prepare you for future encounters. You can buy medicine to avoid any serious dog allergy situations.
For dog-lovers that have mild dog allergies, a Poodle serves as the best dog for your condition.
Getting a Poodle does not guarantee that you will never have a sneeze now and again. But, it guarantees that your health situation will not deteriorate and become debilitating.
Compared to many other dog breeds out there, Poodles are relatively the safest for immuno-compromised people.
Are Poodle mixes hypoallergenic?
Yes, many Poodle mixes inherit hypoallergenic nature from their parents. The degree of hypoallergenic depends on which dog breed the Poodle is crossed with.
Poodles mixed with terriers, Bichon Frise, and Shih Tzu offer the most hypoallergenic characteristics a dog can possess.
But if the other parent is not very hypoallergenic, the offspring will not be very hypoallergenic either. So, choose your Poodle mix very carefully.
The generation also matters. The further the generation from the parents, the higher the hypoallergenic nature.