So you want to know if you can shave a Corgi?
No, Shaving a Corgi is not advisable since it affects temperature adaptation in the body. Also, it can make a Corgi more vulnerable to injury.
A dog’s coat is a crucial element for its well-being. Besides regulating temperature, it protects the dog. Imagine a dog with a shaved coat in winter; not a pleasant sight, right?
Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Shave Your Corgi
If you’ve ever seen a Corgi it was probably a Fluffy Corgi or a single-coated Standard Corgi, right? But, both these dogs have something in common. They have a naturally thick coat of unshaved hair. Corgis are not meant to be shaved ever!
Apart from looking appealing, the coat is also essential in performing some critical functions. Here are some reasons why you should never shave your Corgi.
Disturbs Natural Insulation and Heat Regulation
Regulating internal temperature is done by the hair coat. Dogs have very few areas where they can sweat from. Meaning the coat (all areas covered by hair) must have another mechanism to keep the dog cool. This is indeed true.
The Corgi has a dense double-coat that works by trapping a layer of air between the skin and the coat.
This thin layer of air does well to influence and control the temperature of the entire body. But, when you remove or alter this layer of the coat, all is lost.
The dog will struggle to insulate himself without the double coat and a shaved-down undercoat.
Exposes Skin to UV Radiation
If shaved too short, your Corgi could be left exposed to harmful UV radiations from the sun. This in turn can be the start of skin ailments. Long-term skin issues can be costly and depreciate your dog’s quality of life.
UV rays are powerful and can cause sunburns or even skin cancers! The latter being very expensive to treat and your dog may even end up losing his fight with this terrifying disease.
Doesn’t this already make you never want to shave your Corgi? In this respect, a double coat does very well in securing good skin health. It was meant to be there naturally and should not be removed just to make a scenic appearance.
If your Corgi is shaved, avoid letting him outdoors while the UV index is at its maximum. Instead, opt to give him exercise in the early morning or evening when the sun is not powerful.
May Cause Follicle Damage
When shaved down, a dog has his skin exposed. Almost all dogs are made to wear a coat of hair or fur. This hair/fur is appealing but also does well to protect vulnerable areas of the body. Skin is one of the vulnerable areas of a dog.
Every dog’s skin is sensitive and not meant to make contact with the air and especially not the sun. Such contact with UV rays and the elements can cause skin issues. Skin issues are usually accompanied by follicle damage.
Follicles are left exposed after shaving and at this point, there is not much you can do. You could make your dog wear some clothing, but make sure he does not overheat.
Increases Chances of Heatstroke
Heatstroke occurs when a dog is unable to control and regulate its own body temperature. All dogs with either single or double coats are able to use their coat to regulate heat. But when the coat is shaved it creates an upset in the natural system.
A shaved Corgi could be at a higher risk of developing heatstroke. This is because dogs that have a shaved coat are more sensitive to temperature changes. But they cannot act accordingly to counter and adapt to these temperature changes.
Exercise and weather change can create these temperature fluctuations that bring about such high chances of heatstroke. Best to just leave the coat on, as it is.
Irregular Hair Re-growth
Juggling the pluses and minuses of shaving a Corgi is tricky. When and if you decide to shave a Corgi, there will be consequences. There is always the chance the hair will not regrow back exactly the same as before.
This becomes a problem and a direct risk to your Corgi. Both layers of the double coat play a role. But, if one or both layers are irregular, it can cause serious problems. Especially when seasons begin to change.
Certain portions of the body might see normal hair growth while others are left behind in growth.
This poses an all-around irregularity since the whole body is required to maintain optimal body temperature. If one area is affected, the whole body may suffer from it!
Will a Shaved Corgi Grow Back its Coat?
Now for the big question. Of course, the hair will grow back. But, it’s a question of how long it will take. Some owners who have had the misfortune of having their Corgi shaved say it can take years for complete regrowth.
This probably makes you want to never shave your Corgi ever. But there are some exceptions to the rule.
For instance, if your Corgi is having surgery, it is routine to shave the area to offer the vet better access. It also helps to reduce the chances of infection as medicine is easier to apply.

Corgi’s Double Coat
As is the case with all double-coat dogs, there are two distinct layers of hair/fur. But, each layer is important in its own way. Never remove either layer!
Yes, the Corgi will shed profusely, no way to hide this! But this is not an acceptable reason for anyone to shave their Corgi. Even your groomer does not possess the right to shave your dog without your consent!
So what does the double-coat of a Corgi consist of? An undercoat and a top coat cover this attractive dog. If you have a fluffy Corgi, both coats will be easier to see.
Under Coat (wooly layer)
Undercoats are dense and thick for a reason. This layer of hair is thick and traps a layer of air between itself and the skin. This layer of air and hair is what insulates the dog and helps to regulate body temperature.
Top Coat (aka guard hairs)
The topcoat is the one that displays all the fancy hair colors. It is the topmost layer and is easy to identify. If you find dog hair on your couch year-round it is likely to be from this layer.
Topcoats are visibly longer than the undercoat. Its job is to protect against the sun and insects. Most importantly, it repels dirt or rather collects it. But luckily a brushing will remove all suspended particles and objects like sticks and dirt.
Choose between a Regular Corgi or Fluffy Corgi.
Handling Corgi Shedding
Like other double-coated dogs, your Corgi will shed profusely! No use in complaining, rather have a plan of action in place. Handling the shedding will be tough, but trust me it is possible to stay on top of it.
First, you must understand what shedding is, why it occurs, and the types of shedding associated with Corgis.
What is Shedding?
Shedding is the natural loss of hair from an animal’s body. Hair becomes loose when it is old, has undergone damage, or is a sign of stress. By the shedding pattern alone, you can derive the reason.
Types of Shedding
Shedding has a few types, but you cannot control or stop most of them. You have no choice but to let it play out the way it should. But, if shedding is so drastic that your dog is almost bare, consult a vet immediately!
Seasonal Shedding
At the beginning and end of every season, a double-coated dog must adjust his coat. This lets him feel comfortable and cope with the temperature change.
Shedding at these times is high and it is the inner coat that must depart or arrive. Summer and fall are the peak times when such shedding is most visible. Based on the advice of many Corgi owners, you should cover your furniture!
Natural Shedding
Natural shedding is much different from seasonal shedding. Again, do not try to control or stop it! This accounts for the general wear and tear of the coat.
Old hair and damaged hair make way for new and stronger hair. This type of shedding maintains the coat in a way. The topcoat undergoes natural shedding the most.
Stress Shedding
Is your dog sick or undergoing treatment? This could be the cause of drastic changes to his shedding routine. If the onset is fast and unexpected, it could even be stress shedding.
Undesirable situations and emotions can show in the form of shedding. Perhaps he is under stress or is suffering from separation anxiety. His coat will bear the burden of his feelings.
Take a look at getting a Corgi Husky Mix (Siborgi).
Grooming a Corgi
We have established that shaving a Corgi is not a solution to solving shedding issues. The only way to cope with this dilemma is to adopt a grooming routine. We mean grooming routine because it must be regular.
Skipping a day or two may result in mats and tangles! Both occur when the loose hair of the undercoat gets caught up in the hair of the topcoat.
Making a nightmare for Corgi owners, or their groomer! To avoid this, groom your dog regularly, not just when you feel like it.
Because Corgis have dynamic coats, grooming cannot be done with just one tool. Instead, you will need a couple of tools, each with its own use.
Slicker Brush
The slicker brush specialized in maintaining the thick undercoat. It collects and removes dead loose hair from the innermost layer of hair on a Corgi.
We would recommend – HERTZKO Self-Cleaning Slicker Brush
Pin Brush
The pin brush as the name suggests has several nibbed projections from the brush head. You could say it looks very similar to the hairbrushes we use. A particular brush like this aims to manage the topcoat.
We would recommend – Professional Double Sided Pin & Bristle Brush
It removes loose hair from the topmost layer and can even get dirt or any large objects (sticks, and dirt) suspended in the topcoat.
A comb with wide teeth acts as a great tool for eliminating the hassle of some mats and tangles. When trying to take a mat or tangle out, hold the area to avoid hurting the skin of your dog.
Don’t be alarmed if it does not come out straight away. It will probably take a few tries. A good lesson on why you should not be lax and slack on grooming efforts!
Keeping Your Corgi Cool In Summer
When summer or heat waves are approaching, keeping your Corgi cool is your main concern. There are several ways to do this without permanently removing all their hair.
These are ways to keep a Corgi cool in summer.
Hydration and Cool Treats
Drinking lots of water assists a dog in keeping cool. Ensure there are plenty of places for your dog to drink clean cool water. In addition to the water, offer your dog cold treats. Ice cubes and frozen edible treats are a great way to beat the heat!
Shady Spots or Ventilation
If you are keeping your dog out in summer (which you shouldn’t) make sure there is shade everywhere. Your dog will lay in a shady spot to try and cool off.
If he is being housed indoors with you, ventilation and indoor cooling are crucial. It can get stuffy indoors and steady air currents will help.
A Kiddie Pool!
No dog would mind water if he is overheated, the Corgi included. Set up an inflatable pool so he can cool off regularly. Don’t make it too deep as Corgis are short as it is, not all can swim.
Trim Your Corgi
Trimming does not mean shaving! It is simply clipping small portions of the hair coat. Professional groomers will know the difference between shaving and trimming. Just to make sure, ask them.
Can you shave a Corgi in the summer?
As mentioned, shaving a Corgi is not the best way to keep a Corgi Cool In summer. Instead, it creates other problems. So do not shave your Corgi in Summer.
Instead, you can use the tips mentioned above. They do not pose any threat to your dog’s health and safety but will keep them cool.