How Long Will My Puppy Poop Worms After Deworming? (Explained)

Worms are a serious issue to deal with, especially when they affect vulnerable puppies.

Although the solution is simply to use vet-prescribed deworming medications, many questions still exist like How long will a puppy poop worms after deworming?

Deworming medications will make your dog poop worms for up to 3 days. A dog can poop worms for up to a week if the worm infestation is severe. 

Deworming medications take between 2 to 14 hours for them to take effect and worms to die. A puppy that is undergoing deworming medication will poop a lot, so be prepared! Sometimes you will even be able to see the dead worms in their poop. 

Deworming is a basic necessity for all animal owners, especially dog owners. It keeps your dog’s health in check by eliminating worm populations. Once your puppy has worms, deworming is the only solution. Here are the why’s and when’s of puppy deworming.

Why Deworm a Puppy?

Newborn puppies are extremely vulnerable to worms. A serious worm infestation can inhibit growth and can even lead to death in the case of roundworms. Plus a female dog can put her puppies at risk if she has worms. 

Shelter puppies usually receive a round of deworming medication to avoid the spread of worms. Even then, a puppy should be dewormed regularly to avoid spreading worms to other dogs.

Another worrying reason is that worms can be passed from dogs to humans! so it is for your own and family’s safety.

When to Deworm a Puppy?

For people adopting a puppy, deworming should be done every 4 weeks till the age of 4 months. This should be done as a precautionary measure. 

Later, a puppy or adult dog is dewormed as soon as worms are identified in their poop. Sometimes it takes the testing of a poop sample to detect worms. It is best to not linger too long and consult a vet immediately. 

Want to know how many times a day do puppies poop. Read here.

Symptoms of Worms in Puppies

Ailing Symptoms are a clear sign of health problems of your puppy. Only once you correct the problem, your dog will become healthy and happy.

So many dog owners would ask how to discover their dog has worms. The answer is simple, look for the signs and symptoms. 

Symptoms of Worms include:

  • White specks in dog poop
  • Dogs dragging their rear (shows he is itching)
  • Weight loss
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal pain
  • Blood in stool
  • Irregular bowel movements
  • Dehydration
  • Lethargy
  • Swollen belly
  • Poor coat appearance

Side Effects of Dog Deworming Medication

Even after diagnosing a worm issue, your dog is not cleared just yet. Getting rid of worms can only be done through deworming medications. 

Sadly, these medications do come with side effects. Here are the most common side effects that occur. Do not be alarmed if these side effects occur, it is quite normal but be in touch with your Vet. 

Diarrhea/Loose Stools

Medications aimed at ridding a puppy of worms are very likely to be accompanied by diarrhea. The worms will be eliminated during this period of time. 

Blood in Stools

While providing deworming medication to your dog, keep a watchful eye for blood in their stools. Blood in puppy stools could be a sign of deeper problems in the intestine. Hookworms are known to cause damage to the intestine.

Consult a vet in case this occurs, do not delay. 

Mood Swings

Notice your puppy having character issues during deworming? No need to panic! It is just another side effect of these medications. Not all puppies will show these odd mood swings, it may only apply to some.

How Does a Puppy Get Worms?

A puppy can develop worms in a number of ways. Although tough, you must discover the method by which he got the worms. Figuring out how your dog contracted the worms can help you be alert when it happens again. 

  • A lactating dog can pass worms onto her puppies through her milk. This is why pregnant dogs should be dewormed post a Vet advice to avoid transmission to puppies. 
  • Puppies and adult dogs can get worms by sniffing or eating other animal poop. Worm eggs are excreted along with animal poop. These eggs are long-lived and can remain viable for months! This is why dog poop disposal is crucial to prevent disease. 
  • All canines are curious animals and like to sniff and bite things. The garden is full of soil and objects that make contact with the soil. A dog can easily contract worms by putting infected material in his mouth. 
  • Most worms are transmitted by a vector (a living vehicle). Roundworms use fleas while heartworms use mosquitoes. 
  • Eating dead animals or rotten meat can also cause worms.

Can My Puppy Get Worms After Deworming?

Unfortunately Yes. Deworming is not a permanent solution! It is temporary and your puppy can ingest worm eggs again. Certain practices can be used to prevent reinfection to some extent as mentioned below.

How to stop Reinfection?

Cleanliness is crucial to prevent worms in dogs and humans. Here are some ways to stay clean and keep your puppy safe.

  1. Dispose of dog poop carefully (using gloves) and do not let it sit long.
  2. Use worm prevention medications available over the counter.
  3. Do not let your dog sniff or eat dead animals or poop. 

Common Types of Worms

Let us look at the common types of worms that can be found in dogs.


Roundworms are the most common worms in puppies as quite often they are passed by the Moms to them through milk or even while they were in her uterus. They are white and can be up to 18 cm long.

They can cause weakness, vomiting, diarrhea and weight loss.


As the name suggests, they are shaped like a hook. They get attached to the small intestine and suck the blood.

If not treated, they can cause anemia and can also result in death.


Tapeworms are flat, white worms made up of segments. Each segment can be the size of a grain of rice. Once inside, they can continually grow and reach the size of up to 4 to 8 inches long.

They can cause weight loss, vomiting etc.


Whipworms are only 6 mm long. They dwell in the large intestine of the dogs. Their infection can cause watery, bloody diarrhea, weight loss, and general debilitation.


Can I get worms if my dog licks me?

Yes, it is possible! A puppy will sniff and lick many items in the garden. Some of which are infected with worm eggs. You also don’t know where else his nose has been. The same can be said about sleeping with your dog.  

Do I have to give my puppy deworming medication?

Deworming medications are necessary. It is highly possible that a dog will at one point get worms. You should deworm your dog a few times a year.

