Do Dachshunds Shed?

The dachshund is a hunting dog originally bred in Germany in the 15th century. Today, it is a friendly and loyal household dog. A lot of people who consider adopting a dachshund wonder if dachshunds shed and if they do, do they shed a lot?

Yes, Dachshunds do shed. However, dachshunds are moderate shedders and do not shed quite as much as a lot of other dogs.

All dogs shed. It is a natural process. Even the dogs that are known to be non-shedding lose fur.

Some dogs shed less than others, while some might shed, but their hair gets caught in their furry coat rather than falling all around.

Why do dogs shed?

Dogs shed to make room for a new coat of hair. This is a necessary process. Shedding looks different in different dogs because every dog has a different coat.

Often, double-coated dogs shed more simply because they have more hair. Some double-coated breeds shed seasonally, which means that they get a winter undercoat to keep them warm, which gets shed in spring to allow them to feel better during the summer.

On the other hand, there are some breeds with long hair, who might not shed a lot of hair, but because their hair is so long, it feels like a lot.

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How much do dachshunds shed?

Dachshunds are a moderate shedding breed. This means that you will find fur all around the house when you look closely, but not as much as you would with dogs that shed quite a lot, like the golden retriever.

However, there are different types of dachshunds, which means that the amount of shedding will depend on the type.

Smooth-haired dachshunds

Smooth-haired dachshunds have very short coats that are smooth to the touch. Their coats are silky and soft to touch.

You might feel that smooth-haired dachshunds don’t shed at all, as they have such short hair that you would barely notice them until you carefully vacuum the house.

However, smooth-haired dachshunds are shed every day. They shed a lot more often than the other types, who shed seasonally.

But their shedding is very minimal and not very noticeable.

Wire-haired dachshunds

Wire-haired dachshunds have a double coat: coarse, wiry fur and a soft, fluffy undercoat beneath. Its coat grows thicker in the winter to keep warm and gets thinner during the summer months.

Wire-haired dachshunds don’t shed regularly like the smooth-haired dachshunds. Instead, they shed their coats twice a year, usually in spring and autumn.

Normally, the coat of a wire-haired dachshund is stripped by a professional groomer so that it doesn’t shed so much around the house.

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Pin-wire coats

Wire-haired dachshunds can have two types of coats. Some have coarse hair while some have fluffier hair. The dachshunds with fluffier hair shed more and can need stripping two times a year.

The other type, the one with the coarse, pin-wire coats does not shed as much and might not even need stripping.

Another thing about pin-wire-haired dachshunds is that they are much easier to maintain. Just bathing and brushing their hair to remove any loose fur suffices.

The wire-haired dachshunds shed the least among all three types of dachshunds. The pin-wire-haired dachshund is probably the best choice for people suffering from pet allergies.

Long-haired dachshunds

It is not surprising that long-haired dachshunds shed the most out of all the three.

They have long hair with a thick undercoat, which means that when they do shed, it is very noticeable.

They shed their entire coat two times a year according to the seasons.

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Causes of shedding

Apart from natural shedding, dachshund may shed for other reasons like below.


Dogs can lose fur when they are not feeling well. It could be an illness, a virus, a disease, or a skin condition.

If you notice your dachshund not being its usual self, go to a vet immediately.


Specific thyroid imbalances can cause hair loss resulting in bald patches all over the body.

An imbalance in reproductive hormones can cause skin and hair disorders such as alopecia and dermatosis.

Some dogs tend to shed excessively after being neutered, or after giving birth.

This is usually a temporary hormonal imbalance. Imbalances in estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone can also cause hair loss.

Food deficiencies

Your dog’s diet should be rich in nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. If not, your dachshund’s coat will become thin and drop off.

A balanced diet makes the hair follicles strong and healthy.

Losing fur due to the wrong diet classifies hair loss. Dogs shed even when they are completely healthy.

However, their hair falls out evenly from everywhere. Hair loss is different, as there will be bald patches in places.

Lack of the required nutrients in your dachshund’s diet can cause more shedding. Dachshunds need a balanced diet of proteins, carbohydrates, and veggies.

Kibble made from natural ingredients containing vitamin E, fatty acids, probiotics, and minerals will boost the immune system.

Seasonal shedding

As the weather gets warmer, dogs don’t need as much insulation. So, dachshunds shed more in the spring right before the summer season. This shedding rids them of all the extra fur.

It is a natural process. This is more common for dogs that are outdoors for long periods of time. It might not affect indoor dogs that much.

Improper grooming

Improper or lack of grooming can lead to dogs shedding excessively. Grooming is an important part of a dog’s routine.

Just brushing their hair regularly can make a lot of difference. Lack of grooming leads to dirt building up on the hair follicles and the surface of their skin.

This dirt can encourage the growth of fleas and other viruses which could cause the dog to itch. This constant scratching and itching can lead to dry flaky skin and hair falling out.

High stress levels

Anxiety and stress can affect your dachshund in a lot of ways. It can cause increased heart rate, loss of appetite, and abnormal behavior.

It can also cause excessive shedding.


If your dachshund is on any treatment or medication, it can be a cause for shedding. For example, prolonged treatment with corticosteroids can cause hair fall.

However, this hair fall is reversible. Once you stop the treatment, the shedding can be reduced.

Your perception

Sometimes, it could be your perception that your dachshund is shedding more than normal.

For example, if you don’t allow your dog on the bed or sofa, you are not likely to see much of their hair.

Hair only on the floors seems much more acceptable. On the other hand, if you own a lot of black clothes, you might feel that your dog sheds excessively.

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Issues with shedding

Shedding is natural and almost all dogs shed. So why does shedding become a problem?


Some people are allergic to dogs. The allergic reaction is usually not to the fur itself, but to the pet dander, urine, and saliva attached to the hair.

All these things produce allergens which can cause allergies in some people.

While it is true that all dogs shed, some dogs are said to be hypoallergenic, which means that their shedding is too minimal to cause any allergy attack.

However, dachshunds are not considered to be hypoallergenic, although they shed quite less compared to other breeds.

The amount of hair they do shed could still cause allergies to some people.


If you are a pet owner, you know there is going to be hair all over your furniture and clothes.

While it is not unhygienic, going to events in formal wear with pet hair all over your clothes does not give the best impression.

Similarly, inviting someone over to a house with furniture and upholstery covered with pet hair can seem dirty and messy.

Removing this hair all the time can take a lot of time, effort and can be expensive sometimes.

How to Deal with shedding

While you cannot completely stop your dachshund from shedding, there are some things you can do to reduce shedding and maintain its fur.


You can reduce the amount of shedding by providing your dachshund with good food.

Including omega fatty acids like 3 and 6 will help your dachshund to shed less hair. A balanced diet is very important and can make a great difference in hair loss.

You can look for fresh dog food, or even raw foods as a part of your dog’s diet.

Include micronutrients in your dog’s diet. They will help with hair loss and improve your dachshund’s skin as well.

Consult your vet or dog breeder to find out what diet will suit your dachshund. If your dog’s coat doesn’t look healthy, make sure to contact a professional immediately.

Grooming and maintenance

Grooming habits will affect your dog’s shedding. Regular grooming and maintenance can help in reducing shedding.

Depending on the type of coat your dog has, brushing their hair regularly could mean from 3 to 4 times a week to every single day.

Brushing stimulates the blood flow and keeps your dachshund’s skin healthy. The bristles of the brush will also catch all the loose hair.

For this, the type of brush you choose also plays an important role in the grooming routine.

Stripping your dachshund

Your dachshund needs to be stripped once or twice a year, depending on the type.

Stripping your dog entails removing their hair by hand or knife. This process is different from cutting, as it only works on the outer layer of fur.

Wire-haired dachshunds have hair that becomes darker and thicker as it grows, so make sure that you strip the hair from the roots, or else their coat will look dull.

Stripping makes way for a new coat to grow while reducing shedding. This does not hurt the dog, but make sure that you are getting it done by a trained professional.


Cleaning constantly becomes an inevitable part of having a dog. Invest in a hand-held vacuum to help you concentrate on specific areas. For your clothes, get a lint roller to remove all the hair stuck on them. Even a clothes shaver will do the job.