Do Dachshunds Bark a lot?

Barking is an important factor to consider while thinking of getting a dog, especially if you live in a place with neighbors close by. So, do Dachshunds Bark.

Yes, dachshunds bark a lot. For such a small breed, their bark is very loud. Dachshunds rank at number 7 in the top 25 breeds with the loudest bark.

At what age do dachshunds start barking?

All dogs bark, unless they are born mute. A dachshund typically starts barking when it is 3 to 6 weeks old. However, some dachshunds have been known to be 12 to 16 weeks old before getting noisy.

At what age do dachshunds settle down?

Your dachshund will start to settle down after a year or so, however, it still depends on the individual dog.

If you have used anti-bark training for your dog, they may stop even sooner.

However, if you let your dog go on barking, it might even continue barking for all its life, which is why it is so important to train your dachshunds not to bark excessively.

Why do dachshunds bark a lot?


Dachshunds are hunting dogs. They originated in the 15th century in Germany.

The Standard Dachshunds were used for hunting badgers, while the Miniature Dachshunds hunted smaller animals like rabbits and squirrels.

As hunting dogs, they tend to bark more than the average dogs. They were bred for that very purpose: to hunt, chase and bark.

While hunting, the dachshund used to chase an animal right up to their burrow and bark loudly to let the hunter know its location. So barking is a natural instinct, especially for dachshunds who were bred for that.

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Boredom and loneliness

A lot of dogs bark when they are bored. This is also true for the dachshund, which is a pretty energetic dog and requires constant physical and mental stimulation.

This tiny dog requires a lot of interaction and exercise to keep it happy and healthy.

Dachshunds are social animals, so it is easy for them to feel lonely, especially at night. Night-time can be frightening, which they will express by barking out loud.

Try to combat this by tiring them out right before bedtime, so that they will be exhausted and will fall asleep easily.

Also, try to keep a routine so that it gets used to its sleeping time and will know what is next, making it feel less lonely and scared.


When dachshunds are excited, they bark, run around and wag their tails. They also bark while playing.

Barking is a way for dachshunds to show their happiness and excitement, and they have a loud bark.

Being reunited with their owners after a while can also result in a round of barks.

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Dachshunds bark to get your attention. They love to play with you and want a lot of attention. They want playtime, cuddles, and belly rub all the time.

Dachshunds know we look at them when they start barking, and since they can’t speak our language, they do what they do best: bark.

Do your best as the owner to give it the time they deserve. Play with them and make them feel loved.

To let your dachshund know that barking will not get its attention is to ignore it. If you get frustrated or start yelling at them, they know that they have got the attention they wanted.

So the only thing to do is to ignore them and give them a treat when they stop barking.

Defending your space

Dachshunds are very territorial.

They are protective of their home, their people, their food, their toys, and so on. When a stranger, be it a person or an animal, approaches what is theirs, their guard instinct kicks in and they start barking.

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High alert

Dachshunds have super sense. They pay attention to the smallest of details and hear the tiniest noise.

Your dachshund is always on alert mode, and any sudden noises or movements can trigger their barks.


Dachshunds are prone to separation anxiety. Because they are so attached to their owners, being alone can have them barking the house down.

If your dachshund starts barking as soon as you get ready to leave the house, it is definitely a symptom of separation anxiety.

Another reason when dachshunds can feel anxious is when they are lonely. Dachshunds are friendly, social dogs who need people around. They might express their anxiety through barking.

You can deal with this problem by tiring your dog out before you leave the house so that it is exhausted and will fall asleep.

Another thing you can do is get a dog-sitter or enroll your dachshund in a doggy daycare.

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Your dachshund could be barking because it is in pain.

If it has got hurt, or bitten by an insect or a wasp, or is wounded in any way, it will bark to communicate to you that it is in pain.

Lack of socialization

Lack of socialization can result in your dachshund barking at anyone and anything. Your dachshund will feel threatened by or nervous about strangers, other animals, any strange noises, or anything it has not seen before.

This is why it is important to stimulate your dachshund physically and mentally from a young age by taking it out and introducing it to the environment and its surroundings.

Medical issues

Medical issues can also be a cause for your dachshund barking a lot. If your dachshund has a brain disease, it will result in your dog barking excessively.

Make sure to get your pet checked by the vet if your dog is barking constantly all of a sudden.


Senior dachshunds can start barking for no reason as they grow old.

If you have an older dachshund who barks without any reason, it might be developing canine dementia. Barking is a symptom of canine dementia.


A dachshund is very protective of its family. Whenever it sees someone unfamiliar, it could feel threatened by them, or even nervous.

A dachshund feels that it is warning its family of the danger the stranger poses. So it is important to acquaint your dachshund to your close circle right when it is adopted so that it knows its scents and knows that they are not a threat.

Your dachshund might bark at dogs that it is not familiar with. This could be out of fear and wanting to protect itself.

It may bark because it feels threatened. On the other hand, your dachshund could also bark at other dogs just because it wants to play with them.

They like barking

This is true. Dachshunds are spunky dogs and have very large personalities.

If you can’t find any stimulus that might have led it to start barking, your dachshund might be barking just because it likes the sound of its bark.

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How to teach your dachshund not to bark?

Do not encourage the behavior:

Sometimes, dog parents encourage the barking behavior without realizing it.

They will provide the dog with treats even when it is barking. This makes the dog think that barking is okay.

If your dachshund barks, refuse them any treat. Redirect them so that they stop barking, and reward them only once they do.

This might take a lot of time and effort, but it is necessary.

Never yell at your dachshund

Do not yell at your dachshund when it starts baring. This will only make them bark more, as your dachshund might think that you are also barking with it.

Instead of yelling, what you can do is divert their attention, or use a different sound to get their attention.

This could take a while and it can get frustrating, but yelling is never an option.

Exercise your dachshund every day

Dachshunds are a lot less likely to bark so much when they are tired out. Therefore, make it a point to exercise your dachshund every day.

Dachshunds are energetic bundles that love to play around. Letting them exercise and run about for at least half an hour to one hour will ensure a tired but happy puppy.

Socialize them

Begin your dachshund’s socialization as early as possible. Slowly introduce it to new animals in the dog park or new people on your walks starting from when it is a puppy.

If your dachshund starts barking, remove it from the scene so that it is conditioned early on that barking in such situations is not acceptable.

Do not use anti-bark products

There are some anti-bark products that are quite cruel.

Shock collars give the dogs an electric shock every time it barks. This is downright inhuman, which is why shock collars are banned in most of the world.

Ultrasonic control collars make a high-pitched sound when the dog barks, which irritates the dog and stops it from barking.

This is often paired with shock collars. If the dog doesn’t stop even at the high-pitched sounds, it is followed by the electric shock. This is why it is so cruel.

A citronella spray is another anti-bark product that is seemingly less cruel, but also less effective.

When the dog barks, it releases a spray of citronella, which distracts the dog from barking.

However, another dog barking in the distance can also set off this spray, which punishes your dog even when it does nothing wrong.

Control collars don’t necessarily change your dog’s behavior.

Instead, they just punish them without addressing the root cause of the barking. So it is better to avoid these cruel tactics.

How to train a dachshund puppy not to bark?

Start crate training at the earliest

Don’t think of your dachshund’s crate as a punishment room. It should be a happy, relaxed place.

Putting your dachshund in its crate when it starts barking is not a form of punishment if you do it right. Instead, it is a way for it to settle and calm down.

Use positive reinforcement

Always use positive reinforcement instead of punishments. When your dachshund starts barking, have a signal or a command to let it know that it needs to stop.

It will take some time to learn. When your dachshund stops when you order it to stop, reward it with a treat.

Start socialization early

Socialization as a puppy is very important when your dachshund is just learning about the environment.

You can invite your friends and other pets over, or introduce them to other people when you are out for walks during a busy time of the day.

Your dachshund will become confident when it learns that what it perceives as scary isn’t scary after all. Confident dogs are much less likely to bark at just about anything.